الجمعة، 16 أغسطس 2019

The quick solution to get rid of the flatness of the child 's head - Dr. Hatem Farouk

The quick solution to get rid of the flatness of the child 's head - Dr. Hatem Farouk

The shape of the baby's head changes every time it is possible when the baby is born and passes through a canal Childbirth squeezes the bones of the skull, leading to warp of the baby's head and the birth of the baby
Strangely, but soon the head changes to normal in a few days

This is because the baby's skull bones are soft and disjointed to allow passage Head of the baby through the narrow birth canal and facilitate the birth process

But at some times the head remains in place and the child suffers from the flatness of the head

It is called flat head syndrome in a child

And the child is suffering from the flatness of the head if six months have passed without taking the head shape

The child's head remains warp continuously

Children most susceptible to flattening of the child's head

 Twins: It is possible to warp the head of the child in twins by a large percentage and that Because of the pressure that can be on the child's head

  Premature: Premature babies or premature are skull bones have soft More than lead to the ease of flattening the child's head

 difficulty of birth: difficult birth in which the child suffers from difficulty out From the birth canal can help warp the head

Treatment of flatness of the child's head

There are some steps that must be followed and continued to return the child's head Normal

 Changing the sleeping position of the child -

   You must change the position of the child's sleep every period and change the place of sleep until the pressure changes on Head in all aspects and not one place

 Change the position of the head -

  Every hour is preferable to change the position of the child's head in different aspects

put the child on his stomach -

  Placement of the child on the abdomen should be for a short time with the follow-up of the mother of the child and not Leaving alone helps to treat the child's head warp and also helps strengthen Back muscles of the baby

 not to leave the child asleep all the time -

  When the child wakes up should be carried and not left lying on the bed or chair and car This is to relieve pressure on the skull bones, which may lead to warp

Use helmet for the head -

  In some difficult cases we can use a helmet dedicated to treat flatness syndrome

Head of the child, which helps to remedy the matter quickly and the disappearance of the skull warp in the child

Doctor Hatem Farouk

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