الجمعة، 26 يوليو 2019

seven Foods that increase baby weight - Dr. Hatem Farouk

seven Foods that increase baby weight - Dr. Hatem Farouk

Seven Foods that improve weight of children

Weight gain

 The weight of the child varies depending on the age of the child and the method of feeding the child. Does the child depend on breastfeeding and breast milk only? Is the mother feeding the mother's milk with artificial milk or artificial milk only or mother feeding the child by food next to milk

 Therefore, weight gain depends heavily on providing
 healthy foods to children that help to gain weight in a healthy child

 Weight gain rate

  Infant growth increases by 750 grams per month in the first four months of life

  Infant growth increases by 500 grams every month in the second four months of life

  Infant growth increases by 250 grams per month in the last four months of the first year

  The weight of the child then increases by 2 kilos each year

 :read also - best oils to improve hair growth

 These figures reflect the average increase in the weight of the child, but vary from child to child, where genetic factors are also included in the child

 Child nutrition begins in the fourth month in most children according to the child's response. One of the signs that the child is ready to start eating in the fourth month is the child's ability to build the head and his passion for eating when he is close to the child's mouth

 However, if no signs of readiness appear in the child, it is possible to start eating the baby in the sixth month of age

 we will talk about healthy foods for children help to gain weight healthy and treat thinness and is the fastest way to increase weight


 Eggs contain a high protein content that helps in building muscle in children. It also contains calcium, which helps in building the bones of children and therefore is considered one of the most important foods that increase weight in a healthy way

 the meat

 Eating meat is also the best way to increase weight in a healthy way as it contains a large percentage of protein that enters the building muscle and also a high proportion of the limit helps to treat anemia in children

 the cheese

 Cheese is a favorite of children and can be added to food in different ways and there is a protein and calcium in a large way, which helps to improve the weight of the child in a healthy and is one of the best foods to increase weight.

 Peanut Butter

 Peanut butter contains a high percentage of fat and proteins that help to gain weight in a healthy way and can be added to many of the favorite foods for the child


 Dates are one of the healthy foods for children, which helps to increase the weight of the child, which contains high temperatures provide the body of the child energy and by a lot of iron that treats anemia and eating dates of food is the best way to increase weight

 olive oil

 The addition of olive oil to eat the child is a healthy food for children, which provides the body with unsaturated fats and oxidizing substances and helps to increase the weight of the child in a healthy manner


 Butter contains many useful fats that are important to build the nervous system in the child and help to increase the weight of the child in a healthy manner

 This was a brief description of foods that increase weight in children and help to treat thinness in the child and eating healthy food for children is the best way to increase weight

 Summary of the most important foods

 the meat
 the cheese
 Peanut Butter
 olive oil

 The most important advice possible to provide children suffering from anorexia is to prevent the child from eating foods containing preservatives and ready-made sweets and replace them with natural fruit

 Dr. Hatem Farouk

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